(805) 963-7777
Annual Benefit- Every Brilliant Thing

Annual Benefit- Every Brilliant Thing

Join Us this September for an Evening of Fun and Laughter! We are happy to announce that we will be holding our Annual Benefit this year at Center Stage Theater on Saturday, September 24, 2022. We will be hosting the British-comedian Jonny Donahoe, who will perform...
Educational Luncheon Series

Educational Luncheon Series

Educational Luncheon Series2022 SponsorZegar Family Fund Come Join Us at a Luncheon This Year! For several years, New Beginnings has held quarterly education luncheons to educate its supporters about its programs and the critical social issues that are addressed....
Annual Fundraiser at the Drive-In

Annual Fundraiser at the Drive-In

A Spectacular Evening Under the Stars! New Beginnings held their annual fundraiser at the West Wind Drive-In on Thursday, October 22, 2020. We showed the 1991 comedy-drama film The Fisher King, written by Richard LaGravenese and directed by Terry Gilliam. Starring our...