Safe Parking Shelter and Rapid Rehousing Program
Safe Overnight Parking
New Beginnings’ Safe Parking Shelter and Rapid Rehousing Program provides safe overnight parking to individuals and families living in their vehicle. A driver’s license, vehicle registration, and vehicle insurance is required to enroll in the shelter component of the program. In addition, we also offer rapid rehousing services and other housing assistance services to community members through the program. We have operated the Safe Parking Program® since 2004 in cooperation with numerous local churches, governmental and non-profit agencies, and businesses. Our program is the first of its kind and has served as a model for dozens of communities throughout the country.
Program Format
The program currently manages 200 spaces in 31 parking lots throughout the cities of Santa Barbara, Goleta, Carpinteria, Lompoc, and the neighboring unincorporated areas of the county. Each of these lots has entered in a written agreement with New Beginnings, who has indemnified them against any liability. Since the program’s inception in 2004, there have been no major incidents or damage to any of the participating lots or neighborhoods.

Enroll in the Program
Contact staff of our Safe Parking Program by calling (805) 963-7777 or through email at Current proof of a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance is required to enroll in the program. If you are living in your vehicle and do need meet the above criteria, but you are interested in other housing assistance services, please contact us as well.
Services Offered
The Safe Parking Program also connects the chronically homeless to shelters and services that will get them off the streets and into safer environments. Program staff distribute more than 450 pounds of food each month and offer a rapid rehousing component that provides case management to transition program participants into permanent housing and employment.
Through the program, staff offer job tutoring and resume preparation and facilitates outside agency connections as needed to help participants gain employment or obtain government benefits. On a case-by-case basis, New Beginnings writes grants on behalf of clients to help them obtain cash assistance to pay for medical and dental expenses, and other costly, but life-changing assistance.

Purchase the Safe Parking Program Manual
The Safe Parking Program Manual is a guide created for other communities seeking to begin their own program to assist the vehicular homeless. The manual outlines best practices, challenges, tips, and “pearls of wisdom. We also provide an extensive three-day training program.
Countywide Expansion of the Program
Due to the growing number of people living in their vehicles, New Beginnings is increasing its number of lots in Santa Barbara and Goleta and expanding the program in Lompoc and Santa Maria. This expansion will occur over the course of several years and will make New Beginnings the first program in the country to develop a countywide program.
Nearly 1 in 3 people experiencing homelessness is living in a vehicle. Over the last 15 years, our program has provided safety and shelter for thousands of people temporarily living in their vehicles. The program has transitioned nearly 1,000 program participants into permanent housing. Additionally, our innovative Safe Parking Program has been replicated throughout the country and has helped to spark a movement.
For media requests, please contact our Community Engagement and Development Manager at (805) 963-7777 x122 or at For general inquiries about the program, please contact:
Cassie Roach
Safe Parking Program Director
(805) 963-7777
Contact staff of our Safe Parking Program by calling (805) 963-7777 or email us at Current proof of a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance is required to enroll in the program. If you are living in your vehicle and are interested in rapid re-housing services, please contact us as well.
Safe Parking Program Manual
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