National News

Vehicular Homelessness Highlighted by USA Today

In 2021, USA Today published an article about vehicular homelessness growing during the pandemic, as well as Safe Parking programs. Our Executive Director provided a quote about how funding sources have been impacted. Many experts fear that vehicular homelessness may increase significantly in the near future due to the COVID-19 crisis. Read more at

Photo: USA Today

Safe Parking Featured on HBO’s VICE News

In 2018, VICE News came to Santa Barbara and produced an eight-minute video segment chronicling the story of a single mom living in her van in one of the lots in our Safe Parking Program. The segment also covers how Los Angeles has implemented a similar program in recent years. Photo Credit: Cassandra Giraldo. Read more at

Photo: HBO VICE News

Los Angeles Times Reporter Steve Lopez Covers Safe Parking

In 2017, the famous LA Times Reporter Steve Lopez visited our program to learn about the clients we serve, as well as how the program operates. He explained how vehicular homelessness is “a kind of middle-class homelessness” and wanted to show readers that even working people can become homeless due to the high housing costs in California. Photo Credit: Francine Orr. Read more at

Photo: LA Times

Los Angeles Times Reporter Gale Holland Covers Safe Parking

Prior to Los Angeles launching their Safe Parking Program, the Los Angeles Times introduced the concept of Safe Parking to their readers by covering our program in 2016. The article tells relatable stories of some of our clients to help people gain a better understanding of homelessness. Photo Credit: Genaro Molina. Read more at

Photo: LA Times

Safe Parking Featured in The Nation

This article tells the story of Safe Parking client Thomas Goodwin and his daughter, who live in a van. The Nation featured a 10-minute video segment that follows the family throughout their day and evening, as well as another client named Bobby who is a winery tour driver. Photo Credit: Jennifer Dworkin. Read more at

Photo: The Nation

Safe Parking Clients Featured in Rolling Stone Magazine

In 2012, a reporter from Rolling Stone Magazine spent hours with several clients in our Safe Parking Program to understand how they fell into homelessness. Read this story if you are interested in stepping into the shoes of our clients and seeing the world from their perspectives. Photo Credit: Mark Selinger. Read more at

Photo: Rolling Stone Magazine

Al Jazeera America Covers Safe Parking Family

Two reporters from Al Jazeera America visited our Safe Parking Program in 2014 to learn about our client, Paula, who lives in her minivan with two young adult daughters. The article also talks about how communities throughout California are beginning to implement programs based on our Safe Parking Program. Read more at

Photo: Al Jazeera America

CNN Covers Full-Time Worker, Living in a Car

In 2012, a reporter from CNN visited two of our clients, Julius, a full-time bus driver, and his wife Mary, who live in a van in our Safe Parking Program. Julius and Mary talk about the difficulties of living in their van and provide their insights about how the middle class has changed in the United States. Read more at

Photo: CNN

 Sleeping Rough in Santa Barbara

In 2008, The Guardian visited our Safe Parking Program and learned about a client named Guy. The article was released around the Great Recession and drew attention to middle-class Americans who were economically impacted and were forced to live in their cars. Our Safe Parking Program had been operating for five years prior to this article and video being released. Photo Credit: Jason Johnson. Read more at

Photo: The Guardian

A Place to Call Home

In 2008, People Magazine covered our Safe Parking Program by following a client named Barbara Harvey, who lost her job and chose to live in her vehicle with her two dogs. This article follows Barbara throughout a typical day and describes the challenges she experiences sleeping in her car while trying to seek stability in her life. Photo Credit: Ron Haviv. Read more here.

Photo: People Magazine